NHMBC is a Bible-believing congregation located in the heart of the Fort Knox Kentucky community. Whether you are new to the area, on Temporary Duty (TDY), or a resident in the area for years, we would love to invite you to visit our family. With age group ministries, care ministries, worship, and service opportunities, we have something for every individual. Together, we can transform our world with God’s Word…one life at a time.
Welcome to the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Our Senior Pastor

Join Us For Worship
Our Service Times
8:00 AM Early Morning Worship Services
11:00 AM Morning Worship Services
9:45 AM Sunday School Class for all ages
6:30 PM Wednesday Evening Bible Study
6:30 PM Wednesday AWANA (Youth Ministry Discipleship)

Our Church Ministries
The mission of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Inc is to exalt the Lord through fulfilling the Master’s mission mandate, by spreading the gospel and making disciples at home, and in our travels.
NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH | 1591 Hill Street, Radcliff, KY 40160 | Mailing: PO Box 699, Radcliff, KY 40159 | Tel: 270.351.6808 | Fax: 270.352.0960 | office@newhopembc.net